Toes to Bar… or not yet.

WOOOOOFTA. I had my first day without the beginners… it was tough.

We started with back presses and I maxed out at 63. I tried adding another 5 and there was no way it was going up.

The WOD consisted of some pretty crazy shiz:

5 rounds for time:

15 Box Jumps

15 Toe to Bars (Note: F THESE).

15 Hand Release push ups.

OK, this was harder than beginners (no, really Molly?) The TTBs were KILLER. I actually LOVED the box jumps, they are super hard but if you get into a rhythm they are kind of fun. I was scared I was going to eat it but I got em’ all done. I even used the prescribed box the whole time.

I did all the pushups from my toes too, the TTB were another story.

I probably got ten total actually to the bar. Then I had to do knee to elbows or just some crazy flicking and grunting action. Seriously, I never want to know what I looked like today I am sure it was scary. I had to stop during TTB a few times and regroup. At one point I thought to myself “Maybe I can run out and no one will notice” unfortunately, lots of the men were done and cheering me on… they would have figured it out. There was another point where I contemplated crying, I’m not kidding. I didn’t I mean come on, your first real class and you cry? Oh, and you are the “yoga” girl… I would never live that down. Instead, I just dropped the F bomb a few times. It helped.

Once I was done, I was pumped about it but I cannot wait until I can actually do TTB. I was the second to last one done and it was actually sweet. Everyone cheered for me and pushed me to finnish. In beginners I was usually the first one done so it was a good and humbling experience for me to… suck. I am serious.

Well next time TTB… I don’t know.

I felt totally rocked and my beginners coach walked over and said “What’d ya think”? My response (while huffing and puffing), “That was F’n hard”. I was sweaty and awesome. Oh, and I finished in 18:54. I am just glad I finished without tears.

Afterwards I showered up and had some breakfast:

Nothing too exciting, Fage 2%, Nuts, PB, blueberries, strawberries, Pufifns and Egg White Protein Powder. It was good.

Want to know something else awesome? I got a lovely coffee bean ice tray from a gf for my bday- check out how cute these come out!

I know! You just pour coffee in and they mold to bean ice cubes- so cute and they make iced coffee SO much better! Thanks, Jen!

Last I made some GF, Vegan and (bad sugar) free cookies to bring to my teacher party at the studio… everyone loved them and wanted te recipe, which I made up and will post soon. I usually suck at making up recipes but this turned out! Yay. I will post it tomorrow!

I know, yum.

That’s all for now. I am going to drink more water and stretch my legs. They hurt already.


Today began like any good day does, with a little CrossFit!

I pulled into the parking lot at 5:55 a.m. and thought to myself, “I hope today involves NO running and NO rowing”. Haha, it seems as though the CrossFit Gods always know what you are thinking… warm up was an 800m run, which for me, should not be a big deal but some days iduuuuooonntttwaaannna. But I did it and it felt good and I ran fast.

Then, whadayaknow- the workout included rowing. We worked on snatching form before the WOD.

WOD: 200m row, 10 squat cleans ? Is that what they are called? We held a bar bell at our shoulders and squatted all the way down then thrusted it overhead maybe a squat clean? OMG- I am so embarrassing to the CrossFit world, someday I will know… then 10 KNEE TO ELBOWS!! HOLY COW POOO. These are hard/ they blow/ I love them (love hate, you get it).

Basically, you hang form a pull up bar and lift your knees to touch your elbows, (you’re probably thinking, um obviously, Molly). Sounds fun right? Try it, it’s not.

If you are interested: check this girl doing them;

Shi*s Cray!

She makes it looks waaay too easy. Imagine me doing this but looking way worse and grunting the entire time.

They are so freaking hard/ insane. Like I love them and then HATE them at the same time.

I have now decided that I WILL dominate the knee to elbows and pull ups sometime soon… until next time you SOBs.

I wish I had some delicious food to share with you today, but I do not so instead I will show you a funny picture of food:hehe. Dog or bread? You decide.

Also, something I wish I were the inventor of (or eater, either or).


Source. I mean seriously, if I was a man I would propose to Jessica. OK- that was weird. I am done.

P.s. I will graduate beginners at CrossFit tomorrow morning! WHoop!

WIAW Summer Staples


Lets get right into it huh? Thanks to for hosting WIAW and this month she is focusing on summer staples 🙂

Things I have been chowing on lately to fuel me through my workouts and life…

Breakfasts in the summer (well I guess always) have been including plain 2% Fage with some Maple syrup to sweeten or other sweetener. BERRIES, some nuts, rice cereal and or oats and nut butter on top… I have also been messing around with adding in Whey protein powder. I really notice this helping on days I do a CrossFit workout. I think the workouts are such a shock to my body and the extra protein helps me full for more than 2 hours.


If I am lucky, they go in an almost empty nut butter jar. Don’t knock it till you try it.

Lunch summer staples include saaaalads and wraps! I love COLD anything all summer. Considering I still keep up my heated yoga practice, I need cold lunches! I don’t think I have had soup in months. Today it is this ridic salad.

I have been using these bad boys to top salads with egg salad like it’s my job.


I have gone through a bag in like 4 days…

Today I mixed up two hard boiled eggs with chopped cilantro, lime juice, sea salt and cumin. Oh, and a little plain yogurt, mustard and hummus to make it “egg sald-ish). So good. Topped it with half an avocado, some roasted corn and garbanzos. Salsa too, duh.


Doesn’t that look good?! I was proud…

Tonight’s dinner was actually prepped last night. It is somewhat of a summer staple but I would say it is more of a winter thing- I made it because I teach Sculpt at 7PM at the studio so I never make it home till 9PM. By that time I am starvin marvin, gonna eat my arm off or the entire jar of PB in the fridge… so it is usually in my best interest to have dinner prepped. Last night I roasted some foooods up! I just got this nifty “Misto” basically, you put your own olive oil in it and spray your food with it! It’s awesome and mine happens to have olive oil my parents brought all the way back from Italy. OK, you get it.


I also added rosmary, sea salt and garlic mix with balsmic over all of it- I chopped up a sweet potato, califlour, brussel sprouts and onions and threw them in to roast at 425 for about 20 minutes.


Oh, for the potatos I also topped them with a little of God’s gift to my life…Image

Seriously- it’s cray.


Veeeeeeeggggggiiieeesss, if I must, I hear you do good things for the bod.

Last I soaked some chicken in chicken broth, rosemary, salt and balsamic and baked it up until it was moist and perfect (sorry for using the word moist, I know).

I didn’t take a pic of the chicken because I was over it at that point, I will take one tonight when this is all plated up and pretty.

The thing about roasting is it makes a meal soooo delightful but I never have the patience. I usually get home at night (lots of times after a workout) and I am either 1. too lazy to cook or 2. GIMME FOOD NOW mode. I love taking them time to roast things up the night before and have them waiting for me after I get home. I actually like roasted veggies cold, is that weird? Plus, flavors sink into leftovers better! They are also great reheated in the oven for 10 minutes or on top of a salad. Options are endless (obviously, they aren’t endless- I woudn’t add mine to cereal the next day. But hey, to each their own…).

Lastly, I have been taking bites of this lovely beast from a lovely best friend and fellow CPY instructor. Image

Awww, Rach made me this HUGE red velvet cupcake for my birthday! It is so freaking delicious I can’t even handle it. I gave some to my parents and have done damage on the rest. Another note… ALL of my friends gave me some kind of treat for my bday- I should have taken pictures it was ridiculous. I have been in treat heaven ever since.

CrossFit at Home

Yesterday morning I reeeally wanted to CrossFit, but I am still in beginners and they don’t offer that on Monday mornings so I ventured out on my own…. and kicked my own butt.


I didn’t dp burpees… until next time you SOB’s.

I had run ten miles the day before (furthest I have run since the marathon) I don’t really know why but I just kept going. It was nice.

I thought I would wake up pretty sore in my Achilles but felt great. So, I made up a CrossFit inspired workout. I didn’t feel like going for a straight up run, as I did a lot of that the day before. I decided to venture out for a four miller BUT after every mile I did the following:

25 Air Squats

25 Pushups

25 Full Sit ups.

It was awesome. I felt really good while doing it, my miles all came in around 7:30 or under, which felt great! My push ups are what give me the most trouble. I can air squat all day and sit up but damn, push ups with chest all the way down (oofta) they are no joke. I did it outside around the lake so by the time I was done I had dirt all over me, which was sweet.

Weird thing about this workout was that later in the day I felt really sore. Like my legs and arms actually felt swollen and SUPER tight. I am sure I didn’t stretch enough but it was just odd. Does this happen to anyone else?

Any who… I am loving CrossFit and it is my last week of beginner classes. Today I tried my hand at my first set of “dips” I used the black band and um, they were super hard.

I love doing CrossFit at the Box for the obvious reasons of atmosphere, coaches and the “team” feeling but it is also fun to see how it is affecting my daily workouts. When I have been out on runs, I approach a hill and tell myself “Pretend you are in CrossFit and your coach is yelling at you to get up the hill”- naturally, this makes me move faster! 🙂

Another thing I am loving about CorssFit? It has truly made me appreciate and force myself to rest and relax. When you go to a workout where you give a maximum ammount of effort and feel more sore than you have in ages, you know your body deserves that down time… I had such a relaxing weekend spent with family and friends. Friday night we went out on the boat with family and enjoyed wine, good food and lots of laughs.


Work hard, play hard. Words to live by.